

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Wajah Baru APK Excellent

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Use Of Would

Use of Would

Would: Talking about the past
We often use Would as a kind of past tense of will or going to:
  • Even as a boy, he knew that he Would succeed in life.
  • I thought it Would rain so I brought my umbrella.
Using Would as as a kind of past tense of will or going to is common in reported speech:
  • She said that she Would buy some eggs. ("I will buy some eggs.")
  • The candidate said that he Wouldn't increase taxes. ("I won't increase taxes.")
  • Why didn't you bring your umbrella? I told you it Would rain! ("It's going to rain.")
We often use Would not to talk about past refusals:
  • He wanted a divorce but his wife Would not agree.
  • Yesterday morning, the car Wouldn't start.

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